Posts Tagged ‘confessions’

I really enjoy reading Meg’s confessions when she posts them, so I thought I’d share a few of my own:

  • I’ve been listening to a lot of pop music lately

This may not sound noteworthy to you, but growing up I was always a rock kind of guy. I actually presented at conferences as an undergraduate on the theological implications of the music of Nine Inch Nails. Let’s just say that pop music was never really something I enjoyed. But for whatever reason, over the last several months, I’ve been listening to a lot of pop music. And I like it. Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Justin Timberlake, and Lady Gaga are playing in my car more often than not. And here’s another thing: I’m not ashamed of it. Yes, while I’m blasting “Roar” by Katy Perry on my way into work, I fully understand that I could easily be replaced with a 14 year old girl if it weren’t for the fact that she wouldn’t be old enough to drive a car. But, I happen to like the songs!

It might be worth noting that I’ve always been more of a lyrics person than a music person. So, if you’re a music-snob, and are going to lecture me on chords and progressions and whatever – just know that I don’t appreciate good music. I appreciate good lyrics. And yes, a lot of pop music has dumb lyrics, but I don’t really like those songs (“bubble yum bum, ba dum barum”).

  • I absolutely hate morning radio shows

I do tend to listen to some ESPN radio, so I can’t say I hate talk radio. But there is nothing worse to me than listening to your typical morning radio show. Granted, as I just mentioned I’ve been listening to a lot of pop music, so the morning shows that I tend to run across are not necessarily catering to my demographic. But they play some music in between their banter, and I keep getting sucked into accidentally hearing bits and pieces of the shows, and they just make me angry.

They make me angry because I think I can categorize the comments of a morning radio show into two buckets: 1) They’re either painfully obvious (“I mean, I would never throw a baby down two flights of stairs. . .”), or 2) they’re incredibly opinionated about dumb things (“Why do girls always twirl their hair? That is so dumb. If a girl I was dating ever twirled her hair, I would just dump her right away.”)

I probably shouldn’t get so worked up about these shows, but there’s just something about them that make me angry. Just listening to people say stupid things repeatedly – it makes me lose hope in our society.

  • I hate political Facebook posts

Or really any Facebook post on a divisive issue. What are you really trying to accomplish by posting that? Do you really think you’re going to convert dissenting opinions by the amazing facts and wit in which you so accurately represent? Or do you think you’ll be successful in trying to open it up into a forum for useful and constructive dialogue where people can discuss the merits of both sides of the argument? Or are you really just looking for a thunderous “hell yeah!” from all of your Facebook friends who agree with you, while not tolerating any possible inkling that at least some intelligent and well-meaning people might have contrary opinions?

There is definitely a place for politics and other divisive issues, but using a social media that alerts you to new awards that people have won in Candy Crush and who has begun a new relationship is not the right place. All it does is artificially strengthens your own opinions because people who agree with you tend to comment or “like” it more than others, while creating a hostile environment for any dialogue or honest conversation (“yer st00pid if you think that”).

So, that was a lot of negativity. I try not to be overly negative, so let me try to balance that out with a gratuitous photo of our happy dog:

I know I'm being that crazy dog owner, but doesn't it look like he's so happy in this picture with Meg?

I know I’m being that crazy dog owner, but doesn’t it look like he’s so happy in this picture with Meg?

What are your confessions?

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1. I hate when people tag things on instagram as Paleo that aren’t really Paleo. Quinoa? Coconut milk ice cream? Lasagna covered in cheese??? Come on, now. Learn what Paleo is before you start tagging. Otherwise you’ll get people looking for meal inspiration who CAN’T EAT ANY OF THAT and you’ll send them into a fit of rage. Especially if you’re detoxing.

I mean, come on. Peanut butter? Greek yogurt? And I don't even want to know what is in that chia seed wrap.

I mean, come on. Peanut butter? Greek yogurt? And I don’t even want to know what is in that chia seed wrap.

Every time I see someone running or walking or biking on the incorrect side of the road, I want to yell out the window to correct them. If you’re on a bike, you ride WITH TRAFFIC. If you’re walking or running, you should be AGAINST TRAFFIC.  GET IT RIGHT, PEOPLE. How difficult is it to grasp this concept??

wrong side

I get extra angry when people don’t wear reflective clothing and they are walking, running, or biking at night. Double whammy if they are on the incorrect side of the road.  A week ago someone was walking their dog IN THE DARK on the wrong side of the road. It took everything I had in me to restrain from yelling out the window, “DO YOU WANT TO KILL YOURSELF AND YOUR DOG!!!???”

Iceberg lettuce. I hate it. There’s no nutritional value, and I’m not sure why it exists. I’ve gotten to the point where before ordering a salad at a restaurant I have to check to make sure they use something other than iceberg. I mean, really, at least use romaine!!


I bought a bag of candy corn at Walgreens on Monday when I bought my wrist brace (finally). I ate a handful and was convinced I didn’t need to eat any more the rest of the season. Until Tuesday morning when I realized the bag was still in my car so I had another handful. Except this time they were stale (who knew candy corn could get stale?). Yup, definitely over candy corn and it’s not even October.

My favorite part about this packaging is the "made with real honey" and then directly underneath "artificial flavoring"

My favorite part about this packaging is the “made with real honey” and then directly underneath “artificial flavoring”

I don’t like pumpkin spice lattes. I’m sorry. I think I’m the ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD who isn’t excited about #PSL season. They’re too sweet and they don’t really taste like pumpkin. I’d rather make hot chocolate at home & add some real pumpkin and enjoy actual pumpkin flavor.  And way less chemicals.


Have any recent confessions?

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1. People who have a wedding board on Pinterest and don’t even have a boyfriend confuse me. How can you plan a wedding if you don’t know who you’re planning the wedding with?? Don’t you think he’ll want SOME input — at least a tiny little bit?

2. It really grosses me out when people post pictures of their peed-on stick to announce that they’re pregnant. I’m happy for you, I really am, but please don’t show me something that has your urine on it. You could simply say, “We’re having a baby!” and people will be just as excited for you. If you really feel you MUST show the two lines, just take a picture of the two lines. Save the pee-on section to share with your husband. Don’t you want to keep SOMETHING private for just the two of you?

I’m not posting a picture here because no one wants to see a peed-on stick.

3. I bought a pair of heels recently and I’ve been wearing makeup nearly every day. I feel like a sell-out but at the same time I feel empowered. Maybe there’s something to this dressing nicely thing, after all.

2013-04-30 16.43.51

From Marshall’s. Love.

4. Sometimes I look in the mirror and wish my stomach was leaner and more toned. And then I remember that I love ice cream and beergaritas (see amazingness below) and unless I give those up, I will always have a slightly flabby stomach. And then I am okay with myself again because I love ice cream way more than a flat stomach.


Why yes, that IS a Corona and a margarita.

5. Speaking of my stomach, I have successfully gained two pounds in a week. Guess who’s going to be cutting out said ice cream & beergaritas for a few weeks until she un-bloats a little?


I love ice cream.

6. I never wanted a Kindle, ever in my life. Until my mom practically forced me to ask for one for my birthday so she could buy it for me. I told everyone that I could never love a Kindle like I could love a real book. That’s a lie. I take my Kindle with me everywhere I go. I never did that with a book. I’m officially converted to an e-reader.

Reading on the back porch

Reading on the back porch

What are your confessions?

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1. I have had less than stellar attendance at CrossFit the last several weeks. It’s mostly because I’ve been eating crappy so I feel crappy and then I want to sleep. I need to get my butt in gear and start making it there more than 3 times a week. And stop using events as excuses to eat crappy.

Sugar cookies with fruit that Bob's mom made. It has fruit.. so I ate 4. oops.

Sugar cookies with fruit that Bob’s mom made. It has fruit.. so I ate 4. oops.

2. I only wear makeup when I look exhausted or if I’m going to a wedding. I’m wearing makeup today because I ate too many cookies yesterday and couldn’t sleep last night, therefore giving me bags under my eyes the size of my face. (I didn’t go to CrossFit this morning because I was too tired).

This is what I looked like this morning...

This is what I looked like this morning…

3. I haven’t gone for a run since the Roberts Homecoming 5k which was at the end of September in 2012. I say that I love to run, but it’s been 6 months since I’ve hit the pavement. To be honest, I’m terrified I won’t be able to make it a mile so I just keep putting it off. I hate starting all over.

My sneakers are sick of only doing box jumps and rowing.

My sneakers are sick of only doing box jumps and rowing.

4. April Fool’s Day makes me so anxious. I’m really gullible (I’ve fallen for the “someone wrote gullible on the ceiling” trick multiple times) so I don’t know whether to believe anything today. Ugh. I hate this day. (PS – My dad sent me a forwarded email talking about removing your license picture and name from a database.  I fell for it. In case you want to trick someone else:


5. I don’t know how to pair colors together. I have 8 skirts in my closet and I only know one shirt that goes with all of them. It’s black. Before warmer weather hits I need to figure out what other shirts I can wear with these skirts, or people at my office are going to see me wear the same shirt two or three times a week.

All of my skirts conveniently match my one black short-sleeved dress shirt.

All of my skirts conveniently match my one black short-sleeved dress shirt.

6. I’ve recently been sucked into the Downton Abbey craze. I’m on season 3 right now (thanks Mom for the use of your Amazon Prime!) and I am in constant awe over the fact that people lived like that. I wish I had a lady’s maid to help me get dressed, to do my hair, and to start a fire for me in my bedroom every morning. Maybe then I wouldn’t have to worry about how to find shirts that match my skirts.

downton 2

7. I am SO OVER WINTER. I know I chose to live here so I don’t have a “right” to complain, but REALLY!? I’m so sick of sweaters and socks and closed toe shoes and dressing like I should live in the arctic.  OVER IT.  I saw a job posting last week for an e-communications manager position at a college in Malibu, California and nearly applied. If it wasn’t for my friends and family here, I’d be begging Bob to move to California.

Wishing we were back in Jamaica...

Wishing we were back in Jamaica…

That’s it for today 🙂 What confessions do you have?

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